48″ Motorized Wide Band Lift Sheet Kit-Blackout – Model ML-23
Our line of Motorized Wide Band Lift Sheet Systems is the next generation of Completely Cordless Lift Systems by Safe T Shade. Strong, quiet, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries with remote control technology ensure quick Lift/Lower cycles accompanied by our patented Wide Band Lift Sheet, J Guides and Battens. This Motorized System includes all components you need for tailored lift strength. The Light Lift LL-13 lifts up to 13 pounds, the Medium Lift ML-23 lifts up to 23 pounds and the Heavy Lift HL-70 (coming soon) will lift up to 70 pounds. Additionally, you can choose one of three options to operate your shades: A Hand Held Remote with 15-channel capacity, a Wall Mount Remote with 5-channel capacity and an adaptable Smart House Remote WiFi Hub that can be paired with your personal devices. (Each Sold Separately). This Complete Motorized System is the most affordable, reliable motorized, COMPLETELY CORDLESS lift system on the market today!

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